R-Notify EMail Subject

Product SupportCategory: General QuestionsR-Notify EMail Subject
wolf@mikewolfpost.com asked 1 year ago

I would like the Email generated by R-Notify to say “Resolve Render Complete:…”
This is because I have other Apps notify me with render complete emails.
How can I change this?

4 Answers
wolf@mikewolfpost.com answered 1 year ago

To clarify…
“Resolve Render Complete:…” in the Subject line of the email.

Igor Riđanović Staff answered 1 year ago

Hi Mike, thank you for purchasing R-Notify for macOS Resolve. 
The subject line “Render Complete: [Resolve timeline name]” is hardcoded in the software and can not be changed. However, you can customize the HTML that’s attached to the email. It is located in ~/Library/Application Support/Rnotify. 

wolf@mikewolfpost.com answered 1 year ago

OK. I get that.
Can I put in a feature request have the subject line of the email include “Resolve” in order to distinguish between other apps that send render complete emails?
Ex. “Resolve Render Complete: Your Project Name”

Igor Riđanović Staff answered 1 year ago

Noted. Thank you!